


Crossing the mid-life threshold, a sense of urgency sets in. 

This is it. 

We all have limited time to explore the depths and heights of our lives. 

My work is an adventure into the inner and outer wilderness - yours, mine, ours. It is grounded in parts work, embodiment practices, leadership development, innovation and outdoor intelligence. Working with me means asking important questions of ourselves while also looking outwards, wanting to be connected and of service to others and the world. 

These explorations require us to be brave, well-tooled and good at navigation. Sometimes we don’t want to go there alone.

Let’s venture forth.



Coach. Facilitator. Consultant.

I work 1:1 with visionary women who are creating the world they want to see. I facilitate retreats and bespoke programmes for teams and leaders where development is elevated by nature’s wonders. And I partner with wonderful people to bring projects on personal and leadership growth to life.

In everything I do, I’m fascinated by our alignment - and misalignment - between our inner lives and the choices we make on the outside. I hold the expansions and contractions of life with care, curiosity and courage. Together, we can be strong and tender; grounded and visionary; spacious and focused. Along the way, we’ll discover new landscapes, I’ll share my tools and we’ll create new ones just for you.

The gift at the end is to feel braver and more competent in the peaks and valleys of work and life.

Life is both long and short. 

Let’s have as many adventures as we can.

Join Me in the Wild

Transformative Coaching

Tools for navigating a wild life.

For women entrepreneurs, creatives and visionaries who want to write their own rules and embark on big adventures.

  • Connect to get on my coaching waitlist:

Group Retreats

Quiet the noise & focus
on what matters most.

Retreats, off-sites and bespoke programmes for leaders and teams who want to elevate their development by taking it into nature.

Purposeful Projects

Making that makes a difference.

Collaborations with brilliant people that bring great ideas on personal and leadership development to life.

  • Stories, resources and hope for people navigating inner conflict.

  • Badass Me creates products, services and community for audacious women in mid-life who are living a juicy life.

My Clients Say

"I started my work with Caitlin wanting to feel more confident and know what direction to take for greater fulfilment in my work. After 10 sessions, I found my path, and have enduring methods that have brought me freedom and independence." - Eva, 50, Entrepreneur, Berlin

"Caitlin is skilled in her craft, fully present and deeply thoughtful. I brought a big challenge in my career to the table. I got to know myself in new ways, got clear on what I wanted, and developed new skills. I'm approaching my path completely differently, seeing possibilities and directions that I would not have conceived of prior to coaching." - Anon, Ex-Google, Creative Entrepreneur, NYC

"Every minute and every hour matters. As a founder, you must spend time on what's most important. Spending a weekend in nature, planning for the future in an environment where your best ideas flourish was such a good investment." - Hasan, Founder & CEO of, Forbes 30 under 30

"Before I started coaching with Caitlin, I often felt anxious. Caitlin showed me how to access my inner resources and taught me skills that completely shifted my mindset and perspective. I now turn towards a joyful path full of potential, excited and confident as I pursue my vision. I’m amazed how understanding myself better has also profoundly improved my relationships." - Victoria, Founder Creative Agency, Lisbon

"This retreat completely changed my perspective on so many areas of my business. I feel more confident and connected than ever. So many great people that I can count on." - Victoria, Founder & CEO at

“It’s been an incredible experience, both personally and as a team. We’ve slowed down and gone from thinking about things to really feeling things. We’ve felt free to think big but we’ve also come away with practical next steps at the same time.” - Ian, Founder & CEO, T-Minus, London

My Coaching Views

  • Our inner world is always sending signals - telling us what feels right or wrong, showing us that we’re stuck, pointing us towards a yearning. Sometimes it’s an inner voice that whispers, other times a picture emerges of a different future, and sometimes the body screams in pain, or crashes in burnout. We contain multitudes and are built to be soothed and stretched from the inside out. But many people are scared by this nature of ours and unsure how to be with the many parts of our inner lives. 

    1:1 coaching with me draws on parts work (based on Internal Family Systems), visioning and values work, developing a strong sense of personal leadership and more. When clients use these tools, they begin a healthier inner dialogue and realise that all parts of themselves are on their side. Of course, there are new insights to glean, updating of stories to do, resourcing and recontextualising work too, but essentially your system wants to work with and for you. A curious, compassionate and connected relationship with yourself emerges as you build skills of internal navigation. What follows is greater clarity, confidence and congruence in what you want to do and how you want to be - ready to be translated from the inside, out.

  • Coaching work is not just a navel-gazing experience inwards. People want coaching to help them step up and step forward, into the world they want to create. They want to test and grow themselves in relationships, in leadership roles, in realising their visions and steadily moving forward to their goals. They want to challenge themselves and feel a sense of achievement, celebrating milestones while enjoying the ride.

    Coaching that supports this journey into the outer wilderness may include developing leadership skills, working on embodiment, retooling for greater focus and time-management, holding healthy boundaries and more. In exercising these skills, your inner life feels its translation into the outside world to be increasingly authentic and robust. You become less concerned with fitting into the expectations of others and more capable at carving your own path into what’s calling you forward.

  • Being in nature is the oldest and most soothing balm to the troubles of being human. We have an inbuilt biophilia - a love for and yearning to connect to nature - and when we open to that, wonderful things happen. 

    Perhaps the first thing people notice is how reducing daily distractions unfurls our bodies, clears the mind, and allows what’s most important to come to the fore. When my clients are pulled in a million directions and don’t know which way is up, a facilitated walk in nature invariably delivers the ‘ah ha!’ focus for the next right step.

    Nature also holds itself to us as a non-judgemental mirror, inviting us to deeper feeling, sensing, intuition, insight, and creativity. When I ask people to let their gaze be caught by something in particular in a natural landscape, their subconscious makes sense of why that thing is relevant to them at this particular time. Clouds roll in and it’s OK to see only the next step in front of you; a fallen tree creates a whole new ecosystem for more biodiversity to flourish; a different mountain is calling you forward; it’s time to rest in an inviting and cosy place.

    Finally, connecting to nature brings us into our own natures, capacities and knowings. We can witness the full spectrum from elegant beauty to utter chaos in nature, and remember that everything has its place; nothing is static; the cycles of life and seasonality always persist; and we can always move towards harmony, without ever reaching or maintaining some impossible idea of perfect state. 

About Me…

I’m a coach, retreat facilitator, consultant, partner and mother based in the French Alps.

I relish deep conversations about the heartache and joy of being human. It’s that curiosity about what makes people tick that’s been my guiding force professionally. From studying a mix of biomedical sciences, philosophy and sociology as an academic (BASc, MSc, PhD), to working in business innovation agencies in London for some of the world’s biggest brands, my early career was always about understanding and creating from and for the lived human experience. Now, my work is about sharing stories, tools and guidance that helps people in work, life and leadership. I draw on parts work, leadership development, embodiment practices, outdoor therapy and the principles of innovation.

I love leaps into the unknown, learning and all things wilderness adventure. Perhaps that’s why my path traces a meandering line from a 100-acre farm in Canada, via Toronto, Montreal, Edinburgh, 13 years in London, and now, home-base in a quiet alpine hamlet. Outside work, I’m found racking up trail running miles, going into the backcountry on my snowboard, camping in 30-below-zero Norwegian mountains, dancing around the house with my 8-year-old and navigating the peaks and valleys of life…

I believe that life is always speaking to us; this is awesome, this doesn’t feel right anymore, there’s more to learn by taking this turn. These inflection points are an opening into a fuller existence.

My path so far hasn’t been a straight line, but no good adventure is!

Let’s climb

the next peak